It was 7.30 in the morning. I found I had brown discharge. I got a little tensed and told my husband and we decided to visit a doctor, after examining dr said its pre-labor sign (of course I said, I learnt that in my P101 labor class). Doc added, we can induce pain today or u can wait till 15th for natural pain to start. I was happy to receive the option and so we went back home.
For 2 days I felt very mild contractions but on 15 Morning around 4 am I started feeling the contraction on regular gaps, though they were still mild. I was not able to track baby movements and by 8 am I had vomited so I woke my husband up. We decided to visit the doctor earlier than we were called. I had my shower, packed my bags and visited Sai temple and reached the hospital.

By 9.30 am after examining dr induced me as my dilation was only 1 cm, we settled in room and I started exercising, walking, stair climbing, duck walk, and squats, by 1 pm I was still not dilated much so they induced me again and gave estimated time for delivery by 7pm so I had some rest and continued with exercise. I had vomited one more time.
It was 4 pm still dilation was 4cm so they decided to induce pain by injection with dripping but gave me permission to continue with my walk, so with my husband’s support i could manage walking and climbing stairs and by 5 pm my contractions were stronger and stronger with small gap distance.I could only manage that pain coz of my husband and sister’s support and of course breathing exercises.
By 6 pm my water broke and I had the urge to push so doc shifted me to the labor room and after 5-6 push on 6.39 pm, my angel was born.
A special thanks to Tushita mam and P101 (Rita’s Pregnancy 101) classes who taught me everything and made my journey so easy and special thanks to Tushita mam for labor class she took by which my husband learnt a lot about pregnancy and husband’s duty while giving birth.
Note- in my 9 month sonography we got to know that my baby has some round echoix lesion behind urinary bladder & she might get serious problem so she suggested us for immediate c-section, But only bcoz of Tushita mam, my husband and my doctor’s support i have been positive and waited for full-term normal delivery.
Because of my husband's support in every way and who also filled my emptiness of parents love in my 9 months journey till the labour room I can proudly say “We Delivered A Girl”.