All You Need to know about Pre-Mature Birth

All You Need to know about Pre-Mature Birth

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it’s essential to aim for a healthy full-term birth. Stay active, eat well, and manage stress to reduce the risk of preterm birth.

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Mar 19, 2020

Mar 19, 2020

Pregnancy is an exciting time. From the day of conception mother to be always thinks about her healthy child birth.The Average length of Pregnancy is considered about fourty weeks. Pregnancy is counted from the first day of the women’s last period. A baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy is considered as Premature baby or Pre-term baby. If there is no need of medical indication, Mother to be should avoid to opt for caesarean or induction before 39 weeks completed. Everyday baby’s organs get more mature and baby gains more weight. So each day counts.

There are number of reasons associated of Pre Birth

Most of Premature babies arrive without intimation. Still some pregnancies are known to be at high risk of ending in preterm birth.

Pregnancy related factors of Preterm delivery include

⦁ an abnormal uterus or cervix,

⦁ multiple pregnancy (twins or more),

⦁ history of premature birth,

⦁ poor nutrition before and during pregnancy,

⦁ smoking or alcohol abuse during pregnancy,

⦁ Stress,

⦁ certain abdominal infections,

⦁ mothers health conditions such as diabetes

lead to premature birth of the baby.

Premature births cant be always be avoided but mothers-to be reduce chances of it by following these.

⦁ Learn how to manage your weight healthily.

⦁ Stay active during pregnancy that involve organized exercise such as attending an antenatal fitness classes

⦁ Maintain proper diet during pregnancy like avoid street food, have balanced diet in terms of all nutrients.

⦁ Minimise the stress of your daily routine by practicing some of many stress relaxation methods such as attending meditation and spiritual session, chanting, listening music, enough sleep and proper rest.

⦁ Quit smoking and alcohol before your pregnancy.

⦁ Treat any infections as soon as possible.

Pre Mature Baby

Pre-term birth is the leading cause of newborn death. All Pre term babies are at risk of serious health issues such as newborn jaundice, breathing difficulties, feeding problems and other brain functions.

Pre term babies also can suffer life long effects such as learning difficulties, behavioral and social-emotional problems, increased risk of conditions such as ADHD (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder), increased risk of SIDS (sudden Infant Death Syndrome). So it is my request to you all to remain fit and healthy through your pregnancy and avoid giving birth before 37th week as far as medically possible.

By chance you have delivered a baby before 37th week, ensure baby gets your breast milk, carry baby skin to skin as many times you are allowed to, be present to sooth your baby. If you are unable to breastfeed, find a donor who can give her breast milk. And if thats not happening, then next best choice is to opt for a formula milk over any animal milk.

Team of Rita’s Pregnancy 101 is here to guide you to care for yourself and your unborn baby to be as healthy and fit as possible.

Give us a call or message us to make your journey smooth, happy and healthy

Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101