I had a normal delivery that’s the awesome thing that can happen to a girl or I would say in India. My total delivery time was just 4 and 1/2 hrs, which is pretty good time, right?
24th Aug was my due date so on that day I went to my doc. She did my internal check-up as I was bleeding, she asked me to come back in the evening if u feel tightening in abdomen area. Then like every other day i attended my clinic (went to work) as doc suggested.
I told my husband to go to doc, though i was not in pain at that time. It was 6 pm. Again she did the check-up. To my surprise she said my contractions have started and I was already 4 cm dilated but I was not feeling anything. Then she said u just go back attend ur clinic but come at 9:00 pm and get admitted but just something strike in my mind I asked doc let’s just check fetal heart rate and then I will go back but then when they checked my baby's heart rate was falling down. Doc panicked me and said we was planning for normal delivery but this is the case of c –section. But I didn't panicked. I asked my doc just pls let me turn to left side and with that my baby's heart rate was back on track at 6:30 pm.
Doc broke my water bag. That’s when my pains started at about 6:45pm. I was having irregular contractions initially. It was bearable pain to start with but by the end it was unbearable for me. I requested my husband to let me take epidural. I took epidural at 9 cm dilation, and it made everything very easy for me while pushing. When I was pushing, cord was around baby's neck, so she was going back again. Doc had to do episiotomy. In three pushes my Angel was out. It was 11:21 pm.
Yes exercises helped me a lot. Squats, 4-5 km walks daily and the patience and breathing techniques which were taught in my P101 Classes did wonders. I didn't even shout once in the whole process.
Believe In Urself Girls And Work Hard For It If I Can Do This So Can U. Meditate Daily Keeping Normal Delivery In Mind. And yes Thank u Tushita and Neha for all your training. I Really Miss u Guys.
Tushita ur experiance worked for me. I was on my feet in just 3 days and 13 days. I was completely recovered. Now I have started with my postnatal workout routines.