HypnoBirthing!!! What's that???

HypnoBirthing!!! What's that???

Hypnobirthing eases labor by calming the mind and body, making birth a positive experience. At P101, both parents learn techniques for a peaceful, stress-free delivery.

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Dec 15, 2017

Dec 15, 2017

There is a saying in Sanskrit – यथा ब्रह्माण्डे, तथा पिण्डे (Yatha Brahmaandey, Tatha Pindey.)

It means that whatever constitutes the Universe, constitutes us as well. That is to say that all the energy, elements and aura that we seek outside of us, lie within us. All we need to do is find the right channel to reach it and utilise it.

Hynobirthing takes its essence from this. Now that we know that we are the source of all power, let us learn more about this technique.

What is Hypnobirthing?

To answer this we must first learn what Hypnobirthing isn’t.

Hypnobirthing is not the process of hypnotizing a woman right before she gives birth. It isn’t taking medicines to go into a state of trance, so as to pass through labor with ease. And it certainly isn’t looking at a pendulum go right and left before your eyes, so as to fall unconscious while giving birth.

Birthing is nature’s boon to a woman; the wonderful journey of bearing and nurturing another life within her for nine months culminates into release of her infant child through her body by the process of birthing. While all of this beautiful feeling remains intact throughout pregnancy, many women feel scared of the final phase – Labor.

Through word-­‐of-­‐mouth stories and many an old wives’ tales, the word ‘Labor’ has fallen into disrepute by its strong association with ‘Pain’. Hypnobirthing is a technique to make this last phase decrease or dissociate labor from pain and turn the experience of giving birth into a beautiful, memorable one.

How was Hypnobirthing invented?

The concept of giving birth stress-­‐free, and hence pain-­‐free, isn’t new. Hundreds of years ago, even without today’s modern equipment, children came into this world naturally and beautifully. Births took place in spaces as small as a cubicle of one’s home. Women used to gather around the pregnant mother and help her relax by brushing her hair, massaging her back, helping her walk and also by telling her tales of good times, to distract her from the pain of labor. Now, science explains that when subjected to stress, human body opts for either of these three reactions – fight, flight or freeze.

Since a woman’s body undergoes a lot of stress during labor, some women fight it with screams; some others tend to pass out, while others freeze in pain & dela pushing the baby out. None of these paths help better the stress related to giving birth. By channelizing one’s mind and energy towards self-­‐relaxation, Hypnobirthing adds another element of reaction to this – fight, flight, freeze or ‘Ease’.

Through simple steps directed towards betterment in breathing during labor, Hypnobirthing eases the entire labor and leaves a woman relaxed during & post birthing; not to mention that her child enters into a stress-­‐free and welcoming world.

Marie Mongan, a noted Hypnobirthing practitioner & guide developed the Mongan Method of Hypnobirthing in 1989, based on her own birthing experiences. What does Hypnobirthing therapy at Rita’s P101 entail? At Rita’s Pregnancy 101, the Mongan Method of Hypnobirthing is followed as: Self-­‐hypnosis – A woman is taught to experience loosening of the body, along with calmness of mind, through a series of self-­‐hypnosis techniques. These involve sessions with music-­‐therapy, blissful visualization and story telling. Breathing – The most important aspect of a stress-­‐free labor is practice of easy breathing. At P101, various breathing techniques are taught to sail through labor effortlessly. Birthing position and labor exercises – A woman’s body has immense power. Through the right exercises to bring down the labor pain followed by a comfortable delivery-­‐position, birthing converts into an happy experience to remember. Partner support – The final charm of Hypnobirthing at P101 lies in it being a joint activity for both the mother and the father, who is made to become involved in helping the mother through labor with massage tips, advice regarding supporting props and most importantly, taught communicational encouragement.

How does Hypnobirthing work?

When you are in touch with the serene side of you, you think well and you act better. That is how Hypnobirthing works.

It connects you to the calmer and clear-headed part of your body – the part which knows that birthing is an amazing, naturally beautiful procedure that the body must undergo in order for your baby to come out and dance in your arms. It helps you give birth the way you were meant to – naturally, normally and happily!

So where you might give in to pain, Hypnobirthing prepares you to relax during the labor-­‐pushes through peaceful thoughts.

Where you might feel the urge to cry or scream, Hypnobirthing enables you to breathe effectively and wait for the wave of contraction to pass.

Where you might feel like you can’t take it anymore, Hypnobirthing will be your friend and guide you to see the light of a healthy, happy baby coming to you, at the end of the tunnel of labor.

Why should I opt for Hypnobirthing sessions at P101?

Hypnobirthing benefits all of your family.

  • It enlightens you about the most amazing experience of your life, which you would otherwise fear as painful and traumatic.

  • With the participation of both the mother and the father, it makes the child in the womb receive positive vibrations for being ready to come to you easily.

  • As its sessions occur during pregnancy, not only does it prepare you for a seamless labor, it also brings down the stress level caused by multiple factors during pregnancy.

So for a happy labor and a memorable birthing, join the sessions today!

Endnote – Rita Singha heads the sessions of Hypnobirthing at P101. She is the only trained Hypnobirthing practitioner of this technique in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Author: 

Aarti Bhatia

Aarti Bhatia describes herself as a new mother, turned aspiring writer. She is a poet at heart, an artist by desire and a marketer by degree. She writes as a way of seeing the wonderful side to motherhood, rather than focusing on the hardships that she, and every mother, has faced. She started writing letters to her daughter so she can grow up and know that being a mother to her has been a joyous experience. Follow her blog, Letters to Piya. And find her on Facebook.