I wasn't Allowed to use Gravity so I used Hypnobirthing Techniques

I wasn't Allowed to use Gravity so I used Hypnobirthing Techniques

Thanks to Hypnobirthing and Rita’s Pregnancy 101, I had a smooth natural birth. Meditation, breathing, and visualization helped me manage labor and deliver my healthy baby boy without interventions!

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

4 min

4 min

Jun 5, 2020

Jun 5, 2020


Well I am glad to share my Happy experience of Natural Birthing

Beginning with pregnancy time: I had positive aura around me because of my hubby's support to enroll for Hypnobirthing and Rita’s Pregnancy 101 classes (Exercise, Meditation, Prenatal Yoga sessions, Information Classes and Motivating talks over there by Nikita and co-preggers helped me a lot)

And one day i.e on 28th April my doctor called me and informed me that he is not going to deliver post 2nd May and my due date was 8th May but because of meditation and hypnobirthing I was kind of relaxed after this information. And I was very much sure that I want to go for Natural Birthing. I called my birth educator Nikita and she asked me to join that day meditation class which was very helpful to stick to my decision. Thank you Nikita!!!

And because of labor class I could make out difference between false labor and true labor. This is really helpful to avoid unnecessary stress and rush to hospital.

Now let's talk about the D day: It was 4th May, 2020. I wasn't feeling baby movements from Morning however previous day baby was very active and because of labor class I made out that it's time to meet Doctor. So at 3 pm I went to hospital and doctor asked me to stay back and since I had requested for not to induce pain she appreciated that and because of her experience she could make out that pain induction is not required. In hospital I did meditation for half an hour and 5 sets of squats (with pause) to keep myself active. And then at around 10:30 pm contractions started and again here because of labor class I could make out that soon I am going to meet my baby. With breathing exercises (learned at P101 and Hypnobirthing) and my hubby's virtual support early hours of pain were managed. With increasing intensity of contractions I chose to walk and used some of the techniques learned in labor class to manage intense labor pain. And with every passing surge I was getting more excited to meet my bundle of joy.

At 4 am I was shifted to labor room and there I wasn't allowed to use gravity so I used Hypnobirthing techniques learnt with Rita ma’am to manage pain. Visualisation she taught of mebeing in Temple getting my baby blessings from God and used birthing techniques. And finally at 7:10am I delivered a healthy Baby Boy Naturally, without interventions!!!

Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101