
Let me start from the scratch, I visited my gynecologist on the 6th of February and she advised me to get admitted to hospital on 8th of Feb as I was completing nine months. On the 6th evening I attended breastfeeding session at P101 (luckily) went home finished all my work (home and office) around 3AM my water broke, and I reached on the hospital. Nearly around 6-7 PM my doctor came to visit me and induced pain. As I had IV on my hand, I could not move and use the gravity position. Please note that my baby's head was not fixed, it was floating. Till 12 PM I had extreme waves of contractions leading to severe pain I had not imagined. The only option left was breathing exercise and it did wonders one can't imagine. Till that time only 2-3 fingers cervix was opened. Then the dose was increase for more contractions and I had to bear the pain till 7PM. I was in labor for more than 12 hours, I was exhausted and then I was advised by the doctor for epidural to still keep the chance of having a normal delivery. Doctors kept visiting from time to time but the head was not fixed. Around 12 PM when doctor visited still there was only 6-7 fingers cervix opened and head was gradually coming into the position. Around 1:30 PM I felt so much pain that I literally started shouting in the hospital and then the nurse came to see me and said it's time. You guys would not believe I was smiling in so much pain. I went happily in the labor room as I knew this pain is going to be over and I am delivering normally. Doctor congratulated me for my strength of bearing pain for almost 36 hours. And Finally I delivered on 8th February. This is what I wanted. This is why I joined Rita's pregnancy. I wanted to feel the process of labor and feel the beauty of the natural process. I am writing this birth story after 5 months of delivering and sharing my experience post pregnancy as well.
Now when I think how I survived and not even cried even after so much happening, I come across with following thoughts:
1) Exercise and yoga gives you strength to not give up.
2) When nothing helps breathing exercises do wonders.
3) Joining Rita's P101, you are aware of what goes on, the entire process which keeps you away from the situation of panic as you have all the information. (I live in a nuclear family, I was not afraid to live alone even in my last days of pregnancy due to such huge support from P101 team)
This journey would have been literally incomplete if I had not joined the classes. This was one of the best decisions of my life. These classes not only helped for pregnancy but I had life long experience and helpful to me till date. Lastly I would heartily thank to each and every one of P101 team, you are really doing good and inspiring people. You guys are bringing out the best of people, giving them the confidence which some have lost. I joined P101 during my sixth month of pregnancy and wishing if I had joined it earlier because I loved working out there. You guys made my journey so happy and the experience I had there and positivity is still helping me in my current situation. Lastly, Nikita, you were there every moment with me, without your support and guidance I could never imagine how this journey would have been. You are a mentor and a lifelong friend I have earned. Being with you and the entire team I got to know that there are organizations and structures where love and mankind is most important.
Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101.