Rita's Pregnancy 101 now has a new center in Bodakdev, Ahmedabad, offering more convenient access to pregnancy classes, yoga, Lamaze training, and more. Visit www.pregnancy101.in for details.
pregnancy classes
Rita's Pregnancy 101 opened another centre at Bodakdev, Ahmedabad. This makes it even more convenient to pregnant women and their husbands to reach a Rita's Pregnancy 101 centre close to their home.
With more hours, there will be batches operated in the mornings and evenings. Some classes and crash courses will also be running over the weekends.
Several gynaecologists, obstetricians, and pregnant women of Ahmedabad attended the opening ceremony. At these pregnancy classes, the women can look forward to pregnancy exercises, yoga, Lamaze-based training, hyno birth techniques, and much more.
Large exercise area and central location makes this Rita's Pregnancy 101 centre in Bodakdev, Ahmedabad a very convenient option for the women of Ahmedabad.