What is Vaccination…..
According to me it means putting a special type of substance i.e. vaccine into your body so that your body can learn how to fight an infection
That way you will be protected from getting sick if someone around you has the germs for that infection.

Benefits/Importance of Vaccines
Why I feel that vaccination is important because every parent wants to make sure that they do everything possible to keep their child healthy and protected from preventable diseases. Vaccination is the Best way to do that…… Vaccine-preventable diseases haven’t gone away yet. The Viruses and Bacteria that cause illness and death still exist and can be passed on to those who are not protected by vaccines. It is important because it can save your Child's life. Because of advances in medical science, your child can be protected from more diseases than ever before. It is also Safe and Effective. All the vaccines undergo long and careful review by Doctors, Scientists, and the Federal Government to make sure they are safe. It protects people you care about including Family members, grandparents, and Friends.
Compulsory Vaccination Versus Optional Vaccination
There are two types of vaccines, Mandatory and Non-Mandatory. All the mandatory vaccines are normally given to all children whether they are born in government hospitals or private clinics. But Non-mandatory or Optional vaccinations are administered only at the request of the parent. But with increasing awareness about health many parents are now also administering optional vaccines for their children **Mandatory Vaccines administered to all the children under Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP) are:--
BCG(Tuberculosis Vaccine)
OPV(Oral Polio Vaccine)
IPV(Injectable Polio Vaccine)
Hep B(Hepatitis B Vaccine)
DTap/DTwp( Diptheria, Tetanus, & Pertusis)
Measles( Your Doc may recommend MMR or MR instead)
MMR(Measles, Mumps, & Rubella)
TT(Tetanus Vaccine)
HIB( Haemophilus influenza Hep B vaccine)
Vi typhoid Polysaccharide
Hep A
**Non- Mandatory or Optional Vaccination opted by parents are:-
PCV(Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
If all the babies are followed by the government immunization schedule, the incidence of childhood diseases and the death rate of children below 5 years will go down. The schedule eventually wishes to eradicate the diseases completely. As I know this has already happened in many countries.
Dr Haresh Solanki – A Pediatrician at Gujarat Child Care Hospital
Say on Vaccination …..
Prevention is better than cure. Vaccines are soldiers of our body. One should give all vaccines whether it is optional or compulsory. Vaccines preventable diseases some are lethal and some diseases lead to morbidity. By vaccines, we can have protection against all diseases from 80 to 100 Percent. If we think of cost…only one admission to the hospital will cover your total vaccine cost.
Being a Father and Doctor I would like to advise you to give every vaccine mentioned in the chart
Vaccines preventable diseases among which some lead to mortality and some lead to morbidity ……!!!!
So I hope by now you know how important it is to vaccinate your child with the above information provided. For more information, you can visit Rita’s Pregnancy101. Vaccinate your child and be carefree of many diseases coming across….!! Major Adverse Effect Contraindication Cost/Range of the Vaccine Enlargement of Limphnod but it's rare In case of immune deficiency. Should not be given with Measles/MMR Govt - Free, Private Rs 300 - 400 Rarely VAPP(Vaccine-associated Polio Paralysis- one in million) Immune Deficaincy Free None Allergic Hypersensitivity Not Available in Govt, Private Rs 600 None Hypersensitivity Not available in govt, Private Rs 600 Fever with pain in DPwt Hypersensitivity Govt Free, Private Rs 300 Mild Measles like illness in <5% and Allergic reaction Immune Deficiency, and During Pregnancy Govt Free, Private Rs 300 Mild MMR like illness in < 5% - very rare, and Allergic reaction Immune Deficiency, and During Pregnancy Not available in govt, private Rs 500 None None Govt Free, Private Rs 200 None Hypersensitivity Govt Free, Private Rs 600 None Hypersensitivity Not available in govt, private Rs 600 None None Not available in govt, private Rs 1400 to 1500 None Severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) after a previous dose or to a vaccine component. Not available in govt, private Rs 2500 Very rare intestinal Obstruction Immune Deficiency Govt - Free, Private Rs 1000 -1400 Varicella like rash in 5% Pregnancy, Immune Deficiency Not available in govt, Private Rs 1600 None Hypersensitivity Not available in govt, Private Rs 2000 to 4000 None None Not available in govt, Private Rs 1000