
9 months of a roller coster ride, pain, stress, mood swings, crazy food cravings, curiosity of "Boys or Girls or both", sleepless nights, uneasiness, breathing issues, blood pressure fluctuations, everything is worth it when I held my babies for the first time. And we called it a JACKPOT because we were having twins.
This is my journey from an expecting woman to my twins' mommy.
We were already happy and excited when our doctor declared a positive pregnancy through the hCG blood test and asked us to come after 15 days. A week later we had to go since I was bleeding. We were so worried and anxiously waiting for a doctor to say something about it. He was smiling instead of looking serious and gave us another blast of happiness when he said, "Congratulations, you have twins!"
Which meant I needed to take double care, needed to eat more, needed to be more careful and needed to be more aware about Twin pregnancy. I joined Rita's Pregnancy 101 as it is #1 pregnancy yoga classes in India. It is not just a yoga class but an encyclopaedia of motherhood. For me, c-section was the only option because normal birth for twins is bit risky. But exercise, yoga, meditation, education classes, various seminars on pregnancy helped me a lot in this first time mommy situation. My husband asked me at least 100 times, how do you know so much about prenatal health and baby care! Well of course because of P101. Rita was so supportive and never got annoyed of my small silly bombarding of questions. She calmly cleared all my doubts during the journey.
My 9 months went pretty smooth with no major complications, I continued my job till 34 weeks of my pregnancy. As a part of "Garbh Sanskar", we did everything from reading Ramayana, Bhagvat Geeta, Watching movies, Netflix (My Husband's Idea) to meditation as we learnt from one of the P101 seminars.
On the routine checkup of 39th week, doctor detected high blood pressure for which I started medication. Both of the babies were already 2kgs inside. After 10 days of medication when the blood pressure didn't go down, the doctor asked to take a decision for the day and time of delivery. A known benefit of C-Section (if no complication), you can choose the date and time of delivery. We selected our wedding anniversary which was coincidently 2 days after we were asked to decide.
On the D-Day, We packed our bags and got admitted 7am in the morning, I went in for the surgery at 8am. During the surgery, my blood pressure went from 150 to 170, which is very critical and a breath holding situation for doctors as well. But despite this complication, my first baby arrived and I heard the doctor said "Congratulations, It's a GIRL". My blood pressure started going down to normal. And after a minute later, the second baby arrived. "Your family is complete now, you got a BOY!" Both are healthy, 2.5 kgs each.
They are 9 weeks old now, but we are celebrating their arrival everyday and will for the rest of our lives now. We named them AMYRA (Girl) and ANTRIX (Boy).
Big thanks to Rita and Pregnancy 101 for making my motherhood so seamless. My husband called me a "PRO Mommy", it's all thanks to what I learnt from P101.
Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101.