Did you think your baby is born with Bananas, ice creams or cheese on his or her face?

Did you think your baby is born with Bananas, ice creams or cheese on his or her face?

Wondering about what you eat during pregnancy? Your baby’s nutrition comes from the placenta. Learn the benefits of skin-to-skin contact and debunking myths like food affecting baby.

Rita Singha

Rita Singha

3 min

3 min

Sep 2, 2014

Sep 2, 2014


Well, you thought wrong. Anything that you eat gets processed in your digestive system. Baby is not in direct contact with what you eat. He or she is in your uterus surrounded by amniotic fluids in a closed sac. Your baby gets nutrients from the placenta which is attached to your uterus.

So, feel free to eat bananas and cheese. Ice creams are not healthy options so can be avoided not due to it will stick on the baby’s face.

Did you think your baby is born with Bananas, ice creams or cheese on his or her face

Then, what is the white stuff on the baby’s body? It is called Vernix, a natural substance that is protective for your child. All babies are born with Vernix... It is neither dirty nor smelly. Your baby must be taken skin to skin right after the birth before any cleanup takes place. Having a baby skin to skin has many benefits to the baby and mother like an easy transition,  babies crying less, milk let down being easier, placenta can be delivered more efficiently, etc..

If you had your baby skin to skin right after birth please leave your comments below to share your experience with others.

Ask any pregnancy and post pregnancy related questions to Rita at rita@pregnancy101.in.